Mark Robinson, Executive Director of the EITI, and Cecile Billaux, Head of Unit Trade, visited LuNa Smelter.
The entire group, at the invitation of Belen Calvo Uyarra, EU Ambassador in Rwanda, and Yamina Karitanyi, CEO of RMB, joined the hosts at the round-table discussion concerning strategic cooperation on the Critical Raw Materials between the EU and Rwanda. Katarzyna Janik, LuNa’s Board Member, had the opportunity to present the private sector’s point of view on the integration and value chain of the Critical Raw Materials, as well as challenges the private sector faces in this regard. These consultations of the EU and the private sector representatives, with the participation of the EITI and the EIB, gave a clearer picture of the possibilities of changes, founds, and development in the field of the CRM value chain.